How to use Lifestream

Our Lifestream app is specifically designed for your personal safety and security, so that you can access 24/7 emergency assistance and trained emergency operators that can leverage the services you need. People that benefit from our app include:

  • Students
    For children travelling on public transport,  going to-and-from outside activities or on school trips or excursions, Lifestream provides additional layers of security.
  • Families

Location-share with your kids or your partner any time. Lifestream provides group or individual location sharing on-demand so you know your family is safe.

  • Duty of care / work teams
    Ensuring workers are safe on the job with access to a trained response team 24/7 for any kind of emergency.
  • People doing solo activities
    Whether running solo, going to the gym late at night, riding your bike, out fishing on the bay, or at any other time you’re on your own, Lifestream can help with our scheduled check-in WatchMe feature or provide reassurance that you can get help at any time with the touch of a button.
  • Lifestream’s in-app support team is ready for your call. In the event of an emergency, your SOS call or chat will be answered by our experienced response centre operator based in Australia. 

    Our response centre partner provides one of the world’s leading telehealth and emergency solutions. When you call Lifestream, a trained operator is able to access important information such as who you are, where you are and what is going on so they can coordinate emergency assistance and support. 

    Our response centre partner has over 65 years of global experience and follows the highest industry standards in service provision. Our partner is compliant with the Australian AS 4607 standard for response centres, meeting all requirements for standardised policies, procedures, service delivery, risk management protocols and data security.

    Even if you cannot physically talk or it’s not safe to do so, Lifestream still empowers you to communicate with live chat, location and video call. 

    Our Lifestream operator will also stay online until help arrives to provide support, advice, and reassurance when you need it.   

Want to add family or work contacts, even your family doctor or school counsellor to Lifestream?  It’s easy with Lifestream! 

Simply tap the CONTACTS tab to add your trusted and favourite supports. Enter their first and last name, phone number and select what kind of relationship you share from our drop-down menu. That nominated contact will then be invited to join your group or join Lifestream if they are not currently a member. 

When  they accept your request, you’ll  be connected! 

You are receiving that notification because someone wants you to join their private group on the Lifestream app! 

If you decide to accept the request, you will be offered a 14-day free trial of all Lifestream Premium features. After 14 days you can stay on Premium for $9.95 p.m. or downgrade to Basic for free and continue to access great features like location sharing, chat and group communications. 

If you’re part of a school, company, or larger organisations, get in touch to discuss the Enterprise package.

Yes! You can use Lifestream’s SOS alert check-in to notify a group if you need help. You can also use location-based video calls to film your surroundings or show what help you need.

Lifestream is more than a safety platform or an emergency app. It encourages young people to share with trusted adults. 

With Lifestream, you and the children you care for can collectively determine what makes up reasonable levels of observation, privacy, and supervision. You’re preparing them to ask for your help when they need it. 

By doing this, you’re showing them it’s okay to seek support and express vulnerability. This message has the potential to open discussions and situations related to safety and wellbeing. 

The goal of Lifestream’s design is to empower individuals with the ability to shape their own safety, security, and community. This means offering young people a one-stop-shop for finding the resources they require navigating life. 

It also signifies that public services are at the forefront of their thoughts when in need, and that they can rely on you and other trustworthy adults in their groups for guidance and support. This will encourage other safety talks, instruct on personal and physical safety, and provide a fun, interactive, and daily way to promote check-ins. 

Create Family, Friends or Work groups. Even Girls Weekend Away group.

Groups are private invite-only and allow you to selectively share location or communicate in a safe, secure environment.

  • Set up a family group to stay connected throughout a busy week of school and life. Think of it as the way to make sure you never miss school pick up or drop off again! 
  • Set up a group based on a shared interest. For example, easily communicating with your sports  team. By setting up a team group, the coaches and team members can communicate about poor weather cancellations for sporting events or training. Or to let each other know whose turn it is to wash the jumpers and pack the oranges or the starting line-up for the big match. 
  • Lifestream can also be used for short-term groups. Imagine the entire family or a school excursion is exploring an event like Sydney’s Vivid festival. With Lifestream, you can communicate with each other to set meeting points, let each other know what exhibits are worth checking out, where you’ll be next, and where to meet for hot chocolate and to compare notes. All with the added safety of knowing that if anyone gets lost or needs help for any reason, an entire group of people can come to their aid. 

Imagine your teen has come out of the movies after a late-night session or after a busy Thursday night at their part-time job and is walking solo to the carpark in the dark.

Your child can set the WatchMe timer for the expected length of their journey until they safely reach the car.

If they fail to cancel WatchMe when the alarm goes off, a safety protocol is initiated to check if they’re okay. This includes our response operators calling to check if your child is okay, and if there is no response, letting emergency contacts know or initiating emergency response if this has been included in the protocol.

All your CCTV recordings are securely stored with Lifestream.

If you require access to your video and audio files, get in touch and let us know.

You can request access to your personal information, subject to some limited exceptions permitted or required by law, by contacting Guardian through your app or by email at 

In your request, please provide information such as the recording’s date and time of creation, as well as a suitable email address where we can send your video or audio files.